Protection of Freedom of Conscience
MP Kelly Block introduced the Protection of Freedom of Conscience Act, on February 4, 2022. MP Block introduced the Bill in response to requests from numerous disability group, healthcare workers and other professionals who work with vulnerable groups.
Freedom of conscience is the first fundamental freedom set out in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
It is a value for which Canadians fought and died so that we could live in freedom and peace.
Freedom of conscience means that every Canadian is free to do what he or she believes is right and true and good.
BUT, this fundamental freedom is under attack.
When MAiD (medical aid in dying) was legalized in 2015, we were told that euthanasia would not become a matter of coercion.
Yet, with Bill C-7, patients are at risk of being pressured to receive a medically assisted death and doctors are being pressured to be complicit in deaths that they would not advise.
Nobody should be forced to die or to facilitate death against their wishes.
This is why conscience protections are paramount.
This is why they matter for both patients and doctors alike.
Paper Petition - Conscience Rights for Medical Professionals *ENGLISH*
Paper Petition - Conscience Rights for Medical Professionals *FRENCH*
Text of Bill C-230, The Protection of Freedom of Conscience Act
MP Len Webber's Speech on Bill C-230
MP Melissa Lantsman's Speech on Bill C-230
Bill C-268 was introduced by MP Block in the 43rd Parliament. It died on the Order Paper when the 2021 General Election was called.
VIDEOS (Archive)
Introduction of Bill C-268 in the House of Commons
MP Kelly Block's SO-31 on Conscience Rights and Bill C-268
MP Kelly Block's Opening Speech on The Protection of Freedom of Conscience Act
MP Michael Cooper's Speech on Bill C-268